Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Are grow tents smell proof?

One issue which many people have with growing weed, and with people who grow weed, is the smell which the marijuana plant produces. If you have ever grown cannabis before, you know exactly what we are talking about. Sure, to use enthusiasts there is no better smell, but there are people who do not approve in the least.

Making your marijuana grow tent smell-proof is something that has become quite a major thing for modern-day growers as some of them might be growing weed in places where either marijuana is completely illegal, or growing weed is illegal. Meanwhile, there might be other growers who might be growing their marijuana in regions where it might have been legal but continues to be a social stigma and hence they don’t want people knowing that they are growing weed in their house.

How Do I Control the Smell In My Grow Room?
Yes, it’s tough work to hide the smell of your marijuana growing kits, especially when a flowering plant nears the harvest season. Being able to create an enclosed air space where the smell won’t escape is usually a daunting task.

The main reason behind such an occurrence is that plant pots require ventilation, for photosynthesis. Thus, the old air has to get out, as new air comes in, with humidity, and to provide temperature control benefits.

Carbon Filter/Scrubber (Scrub odors from air)
Carbon Filters & Carbon Scrubbers - the #1 way to get rid of smells in the grow roomThese are hands-down the best option for controlling marijuana grow room odors. Carbon filters (also called ‘carbon scrubbers’) will actually pull the smells out of the air, neutralizing any odors that pass through.

Carbon filters for grow tent are what you need if it’s important to neutralize the air coming out of your exhaust. A good carbon filter will make sure you never accidentally leak the smell of cannabis out through a window into your neighborhood.

Odor Absorbing Gels May Help
Odor becomes much more difficult to manage in the final six weeks of a cannabis plant’s lifecycle. This is the stage where trichomes are producing their highest concentration of terpenes, and your garden is certainly going to try to show them off to you (and perhaps to your neighbors). Air circulation and ventilation aside, there comes a time when all of the air in your living space will contain traces of your garden’s fresh floral smell.

Grow tents Reduce Pests
Indoor grow tents have a major advantage because they have the ability to rid your crops of pests that are known to infest gardens. Some of the pests that love gardens and that grow tents helps in reducing are whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites. The grow tents’ enclosed design helps keep these pests away. Though there are always chances of having one or two bugs finding their way into your indoor garden, the infestation is certainly very low and really spaced when you use grow tents.

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