Friday, November 8, 2019

Everything You Need To Know About Indica Strains - 2019 Updated

Cannabis Sativa is one of the most sought-after types of cannabis. Sativa strains are known for being mentally stimulating and helping with a range of mental health problems while also being incredibly enjoyable for recreational purposes. These strains are extracted from cannabis sativa plants, which are tall, thin, and best grown outdoors.

Usually, when it comes to buying cannabis, the choice comes down to indica or sativa- although you can also get hybrid strains which have a mix of both indica and sativa genetics. So what exactly does cannabis sativa offer, how is it grown, and how does it differ from cannabis indica? Here’s everything you need to know about cannabis sativa.

What is Indica?
Indica is a classification for a family of marijuana plants with its own distinct morphology, including plant size, leaf shape, and chemical profile. Indica landrace strains are generally agreed to have originated near Central Asia and spread to regions in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Morocco, and Turkey.

These original indica landraces (a region’s native, naturally-occurring cannabis strain) are locally adapted strains optimized through natural evolution to grow in their specific microclimates. Indica landraces like Afghani Kush, Hindu Kush, and Mazar I Sharif generally thrived between 30° and 50° latitudes by adapting to these local growing conditions.

Indica strains are known for having flavor profiles ranging from sweet musk and rich earth to dark fruit, like berry and grape. Effects from indica strains manifest predominantly in the body, though the hundreds of indica dominant hybrids that are available differ widely in their effect profiles.

Indica weed characteristics
One of the main signs that you have an indica plant is wide and short leaves that are an intense dark color and can already be seen once the plants are about a palm’s width off the ground; indica strains are generally recognized due to their leaves and color so you should instantly be able to tell them apart.

Another important sign that you have indica weed plants on your hands is when the branches grow upwards and get stronger in order to put up with the weight of the buds on the tips once the plant begins flowering – if they grew out sideways rather than upwards then they’d snap through the middle due to having buds on the ends of the branches. Some indicas grow wide at the bottom like White Widow or Northern Lights, and you’ll want to train those lower branches so they don’t break once the plant begins to flower; these strains are perfect for growing indoors with a SCRoG method.

Benefits of Indica Strain?
The cannabis indica plant tends to be short, sturdy, and resilient. It’s also easier to grow, and flowers much earlier than its sativa counterpart. Its low height makes it ideal for growing indoors. And one of its significant benefits is that it tends to have higher yields. If you’re a first-time grower, or growing inside, you would likely fare well with one of these plants.

Recreationally, indica weed is more popular to use before watching a movie, relaxing and winding down at night. It is also primarily known to make you feel happy, sedated, euphoric, hungry and sleepy. The high is often described as a “deep body stone,” which can loosen the muscles and feel similar to a painkiller.

Medically, indica weed is popular for treating sleeping problems, muscle spasms, chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD and appetite loss. The higher CBD content of many indica weed strains also makes them a preferred choice among many medical marijuana patients, like those who have multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and lupus. Further research is necessary to determine exactly how indica marijuana in particular can and should be used in medicine as a treatment option.

Are you ready to grow cannabis? If you like, as a beginner, the best way for you is to choose a grow tent kit, it will contain all the tools you will need, such as cannabis grow light, indoor grow tent, carbon filter and so on. It can also save your time and money.

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