Monday, November 4, 2019

What is male plant and female plant in weed? 420 Guide

What does Male Cannabis Plant mean?

Cannabis plants are dioecious, meaning that there are separate male and female plants. The male plant creates pollen, which, under most circumstances, except for the occasional hermaphroditic plant, will pollinate the female cannabis plant and result in the formation of seeds.

One male cannabis plant can fertilize many female cannabis plants. However, male cannabis plants are not coveted like the female plants. You can tell a male from a female because the male plant will have the absence of flowers (buds); it only has pollen sacs.

What does Female Cannabis Plant mean?

When it comes to growing marijuana, the gender of the plant matters a great deal. While both male and female plants exist, only the female cannabis plant produces large buds, while the male plant produces what is essentially a collection of pollen sacs.

Most growers attempt to grow only female plants. This is because a female cannabis plant grown in the absence of male plants will create very large buds, much larger than what is possible in a mixed-sex situation. Note that there are also hermaphrodite plants that are self-fertilized, although these are rarer than male and female pants.

What are the differences between a male and a female weed plant?

As with most other plants and species also in the world of weed plants one can distinguish male and female weed plants. Again as with many other plants the male weed plant produces so-called pollen which pollinates the female plant. When the female plant is pollinated it will produce the famous weed seeds which can be bought in our online webshop. If a female plant nevertheless isn’t pollinated it will not start to create seeds but the buds of the plant will grow and flower until the female plant has big buds with a fair amount of THC. So depending of your own preference and the objective you had in mind you should pollinate a female plant or not. Weed plants with female characteristics which have not been pollinated are referred to as being sinsemilla, literally translated this means ‘without seeds’.  When looking at weed plants 50 to 70% of all weed plants are female. Not really surprising if you know one male weed plant can pollinate various female weed plants simultaneously and most people would like their weed plants to produce either seeds or buds with THC.

What are female cannabis seeds good for?

Ultimately, female seeds provide the fruit that is the main reason anyone is going to be growing cannabis since it is them that provide the buds packed with THC and other beneficial cannabinoids such as CBD and CBN. So if you are growing weed for medical use, or just growing it because you love to get high, then you’re going to want to ensure as much of your time and effort goes into raising female plants as much as possible.

Would you like to grow cannabis? For beginners, you can use a grow tent and cannabis grow light to start growing cannabis at home, indoor growing is more easier, you can control it by yourself and your cannabis will grow more healthier and faster. If you like, you can also choose a complete grow package, the grow package contains all the equipment you will need and it is cheap, too.

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