Friday, March 6, 2020

Best LED Grow Lights For Succulents

Do succulents need grow lights indoors during the winter?
The short answer is, not necessarily – but it can be a good idea. If you have a window that gets bright light all day your succulents will likely survive just fine over the winter. However, the days do get shorter so they won’t get as much light as they did in the summer.

If succulents don’t get enough light they start to stretch out and lose their bright colors and compact shape. They are still alive, and otherwise healthy, they’d just like more light. Often the shorter days in the winter will cause succulents to stretch.

Can Succulents Grow in Fluorescent Grow Lights?
Yes, succulents are sun-loving plants. Even if you live in a place where you have long winters, you can grow succulents using grow lights.

Succulents can grow using the indoor grow lights instead of sunlight. Humans need sunlight to get Vitamin D. Unlike us humans; succulents only need light for the photosynthesis

As long as the correct quantity of light is given, succulents can be grown using grow lights.

Red and Blue Spectrum Dimmable Grow Light
We’ll admit it—red and blue spectrum grow lights give off a purple glow that can be a little distracting. But we use them because they’re the absolute best lights for our succulents. Your succulents require red and blue light to both grow and flower, so this light will give them exactly what they require. One reviewer said that her string of hearts plant grew significantly after being under this grow light for just one month, so red and blue light really works!

The Best Grow Lights For Succulents

Roleado 75w Grow Light

best grow lights for succulents

The first to be on my list of the best grow lights for succulents is the Roleado LED Grow Light Lamp Panel.

This newly designed light panel features 117 pieces of red LEDs and 52 pieces of blue LEDs to provide the best combination of red/blue light for plant photosynthesis to directly affect plant growth.

AgroLED Sun 28 T5 LED 6500K

AgroLED Sun 28 T5 LED 6500K

White powder-coated steel housing is durable with louvers to ensure proper thermal management. V-hangers are included with every fixture that allows for the fixture to hang vertically or horizontally.

Wrapping it up
All the above grow lights are some of the best to use for your succulents if you want to supplement natural light. They are small, compact, and come with amazing flexible features that enable them to illuminate all the plants with uniform brightness and light. They are also affordable, easy to use, and come with long lifespans.

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