Friday, March 13, 2020

How To Grow Hydroponic Weed?

What is Marijuana Hydroponics?
If you plan to grow marijuana with hydroponics this means you’re going to grow the plants in a bathtub or flow of highly oxygenated, nutrient enriched water. Instead of growing marijuana in soil, you’re growing it in an inert, sterile growing medium such as:

  • Rockwool
  • Perlite
  • Vermiculite
  • Clay pellets
  • Coco or coco – coir

The Benefits:
  • No soil is needed, so the entire operation is easier and cleaner.
  • No nutrition pollution is released into the environment because of the controlled system.
  • Increased plant growth rates and yields with improved aromatics, potency and taste.
  • Dry spots and root drowning do not occur.
  • The water stays in the system and can be reused; lower water costs.
  • It is possible to control the nutrition levels in their entirety; lower nutrition costs and more potent specialized formula.
  • No “repotting” labor if rockwool is used.
  • Very clean, potent crops.
  • Pests and diseases are easier to get rid of than in soil because of the container’s mobility; clean, potent crops.
  • Fast total growth time.
  • Hydroponics can be used in places where in-ground agriculture or gardening is not possible, such as a bedroom.
  • Stable and high yields.
What are the types of hydroponic systems?
  • Deep Water Culture: This indoor hydroponics procedure is also referred to as the reservoir method. It is comfortable and very convenient.
  • Aeroponics: In this method of growing hydroponically, the nutrient solution is sprayed on the roots and hanged in the air. Usually, the solution may reach the exposed roots in two ways.
  • Wicking
  • Nutrient Film Technique
  • Drip System
  • Ebb & Flow :This method of growing hydroponics weed for beginners is also referred to as the drain and flow method. It is the perfect method for plants that dry off quickly. Various weed plants that grow during the dry period and the root system are still able to retain the moisture.
How to Set Up a Recirculating DWC system?
To set up your production you are going to need:
  •  several buckets of 5 gallons
  •  commercial Hydroponics Air Pump
  •  air stones
  •  airline tubing
  •  water tubing
  •  net pots
  •  growing medium: Rockwool has a tremendous capacity to retain water, which allows for good hydration of the upper root system. Rockwool can be placed within a hydroponic basket, but can also be lodged directly into the top of a bucket or tank lid without.
  •  hydroponic nutrients
Set up your grow lights. 
They should start out a little higher than the height of your pots, and should have room to be raised to the final height of your plants. There are a million ways to set up or hang the grow lights for weed and you will need to do what works for your grow area. The simplest method is to either hang them from the bar in your closet or you can also clamp the lights onto something nearby that is the right height.

Seedling Germination & Daily Care
Set up reservoir – Water, seedling nutrients & pH. Make sure to add beneficial bacteria
How to start seedlings – Make sure top feed is not butted directly against Rapid Rooter
Top off reservoir regularly with nutrient water. In order for the beneficial bacteria in your reservoir to make a strong, healthy colony it helps to avoid doing a complete reservoir change for the first 3-4 weeks.

What About Additional Equipment?
pH Meter: In general, most marijuana strains grow best hydroponically with a pH level of 6.0. With a pH meter, you can measure your nutrient solution’s pH daily to keep it at an optimal level.
PPM-EC Meter: This measures the water’s electrical conductivity, which is higher when more minerals are dissolved in the water. With this meter, you can prevent under- or overfeeding.
PPM-TDS: This is a more sophisticated meter that measures the amount of plant food in the water. If you want an accurate PPM measurement, measure your water’s PPM level, add nutrients, and measure again.

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