Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Grow Cannabis With Organic Super Soil?

What is an organic super soil?
The key factor in organics is soil life. A proper organic soil, in the words of famed organic soil scientist Jeff Lowenfels, is “teaming with life.” To put this into perspective, a shot glass filled with a proper organic soil will contain more individual living organisms than humans that inhabit the planet. That’s a lot of life!

Each organism within this habitat serves it purpose in the web of life (sometimes also referred to as a soil food web). This web is not only virtually self-sustaining, it also has the capabilities to both convert and provide readily available nutrients to your plants. Maintaining an organic cannabis garden grown in super soil may require little to nothing more than adding water. Take that, synthetic nutrients!

Why Should You Compost Organic Super Soil for Growing Cannabis?

Why do cannabis growers compost their soil to create organic “super soil” instead of just using “regular” soil from the store? Why is super soil better than other types of soil for growing cannabis?

“Super soil” is a term that started being used widely after a famous cannabis grower known as Subcool released a specific set of instructions for creating composted soil that delivers everything your cannabis plant needs, at exactly the right time, without needing to manage your pH or add extra nutrients.

There are many variations to this sample amendment, and picking the right one will depend on what your plants require. For instance, many choose to use vermicompost (worm castings) for their super soil. Subcool from TGA Genetics starts his recipe by incorporating a base potting mix (in his case, Roots Organics potting mix) containing coco, peat, perlite, worm castings, bat guano, and more. He then amends this mix with a handful of other beneficial organics in order to boost biodiversity while also providing key nutrients resources for cannabis.

There’s no necessity for tangled nutrients, engineered mixes, regulating pH and diverse parts that can make growing cannabis progressively troublesome or repetitive all through the growth. It is straightforward and low-effort to grow incredible quality cannabis buds in treated the dirt super soil; just water your plants and keep things under control for procuring!

With super soil, you’re re-production the condition that influences cannabis to grow like a weed in nature. Almost certainly about it “living soil” that showings an extraordinary arrangement like the most productive sorts of soil in nature. This infers considerably less work from you in the midst of your growth.

Picking the Container for the Super Soil

With a large batch of super soil in hand, select an appropriate container where your cannabis plants will grow. You have several options to pick for your cannabis plants, which are categorized into 2 containers.

Regular fabric grow pot containers consist of traditional ceramic pots that you often see in gardening stores. Other variants are made of durable plastic. Almost every regular containers will have a drainage hole at the bottom and a saucer to catch the runoff.

Air grow pot containers have a series of openings on its side as well as the bottom. This container is the opposite of regular ones in terms of high drainage and ventilation rate due to the numerous holes around the pot.

When you prepare your own super soil for cannabis, you have the opportunity to prepare a rich medium for your plants ahead of time, rather than feeding your plants on an as-needed basis using chemical fertilisers. The hard work and effort you put into preparing your own natural and organic soil before sowing your seeds will pay off big time in terms of flavour and quality come harvest.

Growing cannabis with Super Soil takes planning and patience. The initial sourcing of ingredients, mixing and composting is a big undertaking. But the end result is a LOT of great compost. Your plants will be healthier, richer in aromatic terpenes and flavonoids and more resistant to pests and rot. Your yields will be high, your buds will potent and all the work is done before you even start growing by marijuana grow tent and cannabis grow light. If you are looking for a simple, green, just-add-water system, Super Soil is the way to go.

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