Monday, March 30, 2020

Cannabis Leaves Curling Up – What Causes Curly Cannabis Leaves?

Cannabis leaves are very strong, and they have the ability to endure very harsh environment or invaders for a period of time, but the people who grow cannabis should not think of leaving the problem for a long period of time. If your cannabis plants look a bit sick, there are things to be done like possible solutions that are based on the likely issue or problems.

A lot of things can cause cannabis leave to turn upside down and these include extreme temperatures and excess of nutrients. We will discuss further about the known causes as well as solutions that address these problem areas.

Heat stress can occur indoors or outdoors. If you see curling and nasty-looking brown fringing, your cannabis leaves are sending you a distress signal. Cannabis plants can photosynthesise efficiently at moderate temperatures up to 28°C. Anything above 30°C and your plants are in the danger zone. Combine this with low RH and you’ve got real problems. New leaves will grow gnarly and old leaves will curl yellow and maybe even burn to a rusty, brown crisp.

Indoor growers must constantly maintain the optimal environmental conditions of your marijuana grow tent. This starts with optimal light distance for your cannabis grow light. The only way to keep the plant canopy in the sweet spot is to measure and adjust until mature plants peak in height during mid-late bloom, depending on the strain. Moreover, indoor growers can utilise air-con and fans to keep the grow-op cool.

Low Temperatures
Likewise, if the temperatures are too cold, it’s going to still lead to clawing. All types of leaf discoloration will also develop from the symptom.

Ultimately prolonged exposure to low temperatures under 10 degrees celsius will kill your marijuana plants eventually, flowers will also be loose and leafy even if they make it harvest.

So what you can do is adjust your indoor temperatures if they are too low. One solution is to add multiple grow lights for weed. Other is to add a Electric Fan Heater for Grow Room.

If you’re growing weed outdoors, you should consider an early harvest or moving plants inside at night.

Calcium and Magnesium deficiency
If you ask any expert cannabis grower, their immediate answer to this question is that your plants are deficient in the minerals calcium and magnesium. So if you’re constantly giving your plants some supplements on calcium and magnesium, the problem could be that they are not absorbing them properly due to differences in pH level. When your soil and water have low pH which means that they are too acidic, the absorption of calcium and magnesium are compromised therefore resulting in tacoing. So the solution to this problem is to monitor your pH and try and maintain at near-neutral levels of 6.0 to 6.5.

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